If you've followed me for a while now, you probably know that one of my favorite things to post about and share as a twin mom is the TwinZ Nursing Pillow! I am so grateful to partner with them as a sponsor for this blog post, to share a little more about this must-have product, and all the ways you can use it to stretch your investment and value!
Whether you breastfeed, chestfeed, bottle feed or otherwise, this pillow has been the single best investment for my twins and most used item, by far. Still, at 16 months, we use it multiple times a day and have been doing so every day from the moment the twins came home. Some of the purposes we use it for might surprise you... and more than half of them have nothing to do with feeding!
So today, I'd like to share TEN ways you can use your TwinZ Nursing Pillow!
Tandem Nursing
Bottle Feeding
Tummy Time
Sibling Support
Propped Play
Sitting Support / Sitting Practice
Pregnancy/Postpartum Body Pillow
Nursing/Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding - now obviously, this is what the pillow was originally designed to do, so it's certainly a main feature. What I loved about this pillow for nursing the twins was that it is wide on the sides to keep the babies held on the pillow while feeding in the football position (my favorite position for nursing). It has a clip to attach and keep in place, which is adjustable as the babies grow. It also has back support which provides a lot of extra comfort for mom while nursing.
I typically used the TwinZ nursing pillow while sitting on the couch or our large ottoman at the base of our bed. Both had space on either side for an extra boppy pillow where I could park the twins until I got into position. I've also fed with the pillow on the bed or floor with the babies laying beside or in front. For more support on tandem nursing, you can visit my Instagram page, where I share videos, tips and tricks that I picked up along the way!
Bottle Feeding - Since this pillow was made specifically for twins, it is an excellent way to hold two babies at the same time for bottle feeding. Again, there are many ways that you can choose to use the TwinZ pillow to bottle feed, but I found it easiest to place it on the floor or couch and sit in front while holding the bottles. In the beginning while I was triple feeding (nurse, pump, bottle feed), I was able to pump at the same time as I bottle fed to maximize efficiency. For more information on my triple feeding journey, visit here.
Burping - Burping two babies at once was one of those logistical challenges that took a lot of trial and error, and practice! I found the TwinZ nursing pillow was a great way to burp both babies at once to help relieve gas. This position was also valuable to practice tummy time!
Tummy Time - my twins were not too fond of spending time on their tummies early on. But with the help of the TwinZ nursing pillow and entertainment from hanging toys or their big brother, we were able to help strengthen their muscles, keep them awake and active for their wake windows and shift their weight for the sake of their development.
Snuggles - The design and comfort of the pillow itself, coupled with the soft material of the cozy covers created the perfect snug environment to mimic being held, which with twins, was a huge help! It's impossible to get anything done when your babies want to be held all day. But, when I did have the time, I would let the babies have contact naps after a feed while we snuggled nice and close with the pillow. By far one of my favorite uses!
Sibling Support - This pillow quickly became my oldest sons favorite way to snuggle with 'his babies' (as he calls them). Some of my favorite memories (and photographs) are of the three of them snuggling this way. He also used it when he wanted to hold the babies (one at a time) as it provided some extra support to prop the babies in his arms (and keep him from moving around too much!). My nieces and other visitors loved using this pillow to support them while holding the babies as well.
Lounging - Those first few months before the babies can move around, there is a lot of lounging going on. What I loved about the TwinZ pillow is that it fit perfecting in our pack n play with the raised basinet. This kept them off the floor and contained from our pup and visitors, which was really helpful! Those babies lounged by the pool, in the wagon (fits perfectly inside the folding wagon from costco!), in the back of the van (drive-in movies were a fav family activity for us!), and pretty much anywhere we went as a family!
Propped Play - We did a lot of time on our play gym and play mat, but to switch up the view and activity we also used the TwinZ pillow for propped play. Having both babies close together in the pillow made it easy for me to play with them both at the same time. Our favorite things to do early on were read stories, sing songs, play peek a boo and make silly faces.
Sitting Support / Practice - As the babies started to grow the TwinZ nursing pillow was the perfect sitting aid. I would prop them both up in a seated position and use an additional boppy pillow to add extra support around their heads. As time went on, having the strap across the front was enough support to keep them upright, and eventually just having the pillow in front or behind in case they tipped one way or the other while practicing, was all we needed!
Pregnancy/Postpartum Body Pillow - Personally I didn't find traditional pregnancy pillows very helpful, as I liked to roll from side to side constantly and found them difficult to adjust. But I did use the TwinZ pillow to help me sleep in an elevated position as I had terrible heartburn. I also used it in the vehicle on road trips, postpartum. However if that pillow is in view of any of the kids these days, I'm the last one who gets to use it (furbaby included!).
I hope these give you some ideas on how you can stretch the use and value of your TwinZ nursing pillow! Let me know in a comment below if there are other ways you use your TwinZ pillow, or what your favorite use is! If you have yet to purchase one, you can visit my Amazon storefronts (US here / Canada here) to support me with a small commission or visit twinznursingpillow.com to purchase from this incredible company direct!
